Skype for Business online – Hide some users from the adressebook – Notes from the field

Its been a while since my last post, but I’ve been busy at customers…. I know, booooring, but unfortunately I’m not filthy rich smiley confused.

At one of my recent jobs, I came a cross a “weird” question from a customer. They have ALOT (+200.000 object) of none licensed users in their tenant, and they where all visible in their SfB (Skype For Business). Meaning, when you searched for, lets say, Thomas….. They would get way more then they asked for. So what to do? 

All the non licensed users where synchronized from a different tenant (a customer tenant), and needed to be there.

Exchange Online wasn’t a problem. Since they don’t have a license, they don’t get to go in the GAL. SfB, a whole other thing.

So after doing a whole lot of research we came up with this solution, which worked, and that i would like to share with you guys. I will be using my test tenant for this, show and tell wlEmoticon-smile.png.

Find the user in your local AD (And quickly set the “Advanced view”, so you can see “Attribute editor”, within the user.)

Find the attribute MailNickName, and set it to the users account name


Next, find msExchHideFromAddressLists and set it to true


Sit back and let nature, or in this case, AADConnect and the Managed Folder Assistant, take action. Seriously, have a little patients, in this particular tenant, it took about 48 hours for the changes to take effect.

So knowing this, you should be able to do a short script to add this information to the users attributes.

Good luck wlEmoticon-smile.png